Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daily Outfit: Bye Bye January!

Time flies soooo fast! Today's the last day of January.... it's going to be February tomorrow! I'm excited for February because I have a lot of activities to do/places to go. I'll be going home to Baguio on the second week of February for my mother's birthday. A week after that, some friends & I will be going to Laguna, then a week after is my Legazpi trip!... wow! So many things to do, so little time! :) I even haven't booked an accommodation & tour for Legazpi yet. If you have suggestions, please tell me :D

Here's my Monday work outfit. The colors are a toned down compared to my previous outfit... something subdued for a change :) It's almost monochromatic except for the light pink shade on the dress. My friend noticed that I don't wear much of the accessories that I make. I told her that if I wear those that I make, I may never have the heart to sell it :P  I would want to have those items all to myself :D I guess today's an exception since I got to wear one of the pieces that I'm selling...

cardigan: Landmark, dress: Philosophy@SM, heels: Parisian@SM, bag: gift from sister, necklace: Quirky Classic

Upclose pic of the dress

One of my favorite necklaces from all of the items I made :)

 Anyway, hope your January turned out great. If not, there are still 11 months to fulfill things that needed to be achieved :D By the way, my Multiply site is not turning the way I hoped so I temporarily created a Facebook account for my accessories. Please check out facebook.com/quirkyclassic. Add me as friend too :D I'll also be posting some thrifted items soon (once I have the time to get the items from the laundry shop :P)



  1. Wow, so many trips lined up, inggit ako! :)

    I like your hair like that.


    1. thanks for the hair comment dea :) haha that's just for february... laag-laag is my hobby :D

  2. Love the print on your dress, girl! :) Wow long itinerary! :) Hope you have a safe and happy trip!

    If you have time, please join my post-birthday giveaway here:


    Thank you! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. thanks :D I have now joined your giveaway! following your blog too :)
